Future Perfect

The future perfect tense refers to a completed action in the future. When we use this tense we are projecting ourselves forward into the future and looking back at an action that will be completed sometime later than now. It is most often used with a time expression.

Resultado de imagen para future perfect
Resultado de imagen para future perfect


1.- Watch the next two videos: Future Perfect - Perfect future
2.- Make nine sentences in Future Perfect tense.
3.- Search for a song with Future Present and write the name in the comments.
4.- Play Kahoot!

Have a nice day!


  1. Alejandro De la iglesia Vera
    -Happier por Ed Sheeran.
    1. I will have finished this book.
    2. You will have studied the English tenses.
    3. She will have cooked dinner.
    4. He will have arrived.
    5. We will have met Julie.
    6. It will have stopped raining.
    7. They will have left Japan.
    8. I will have studied before I take the test.
    9. I will have written the book before the new year.

  2. 1-I will have worked
    2-You will have worked
    3-He will have worked
    4-She will have worked
    5-It will have worked
    6-We will have worked
    7-You will have worked
    8-They will have worked
    9-You will have gone
    song You Will Be Mine

  3. Habré ido a la farmacia para cuando llegues.
    Estará graduado para cuando tenga veinticinco años.
    Se habrán ido para mañana.
    El pastel se habrá enfriado para entonces.
    Para el final del episodio él habrá resuelto el crimen.
    Para el final de la cita ella habrá imaginado sus vidas juntos.
    Vuelva el lunes y el lugar habrá sido limpiado.
    El frío los habrá conservado frescos
    Para mañana habremos pensado una solución
    Canción Lukas Graham – 7 years

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1.-They will let the school
    2.-We will the work
    3.-I will take coffe
    4.-You will be the best in the football
    5.-They will clean my room
    6.-You will hear the best song
    7.-We will go to a concert
    8.-I will go to score
    9.-They will buy food
    Canción: it will rain


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