Watch the next Videos I - Video E on comments tell me about your IKIGAI.

Who are you in a Team?

 Watch the next video, after you watch write in comments about what kind of team member you are and why.

These are the Kahoot scores

unfortunately only Alejandro played

Alejandro, you have 2 signatures!

Homework transfer your works from the comments to your notebooks.

Enjoy your vacations!!


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    1. ikigai: reason for being
      hapiness of always being busy, professional and day to day.
      passion to do things you love.
      professional ikiga: passion-mission-vocation-profession
      Everyday ikigai
      -finding flow
      -no worry
      -good habit exercise day

      Who are you in a team?
      sector alarm is to keeponly green workers to do a better job.
      redemeloyee or worker
      -steven: not motieted and makes trouble
      -paul:green worker, do what he is told to do,highly effective worker, high potencial employee.
      Thomas yellow worker just cares for himself his contribution is not helping any one
      -Maria: green worker she is a performer, she knows what to do.
      -Cristina destroy the operation red worker.

      i think i am like the worker paul

  2. IKIGAI:
    I like to play a video game on my computer all day, I'm also pretty good at doing it
    They could pay me by winning tournaments
    Who are you in a team?
    im a paul because I love to continually improve

  3. Ikigai es simplemente la razón para ser feliz por que te da las bases para serlo, también te enseña cuales son las preguntas que debes llevar acabo para ser feliz y claro ejemplo está, que si a mi me gusta mucho el maquillaje y soy buena en ello puedo trabajar en lo que me gusta por que hay personas que trabajan en donde no les gusta o estudian lo que tampoco les gusta siempre fracasan y nunca son felices, entonces siempre debemos de luchar por lo que nos gusta.
    Yo soy María por que se lo que tengo que hacer.


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